Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Summer updates

Hey Everybody! We have had a lot going on here the last few weeks, so I figured it was time to do an update! Early in May, around the 10th, Nailah spiked a fever and started throwing up. She ended up horribly sick for about 3 days (and nights), we called the pediatrician and they said it sounded like the flu and they couldn't get her in but just to push fluids. On the 4th day when she still couldn't keep anything down we brought her to the Children's Hospital ER. They did a urine test and discovered that she had a urinary tract infection and that was why she wan't getting any better. They gave us a prescription for antibiotics and sent us home. The next day was even worse because we couldn't get her to take the antibiotics and if we did she would just throw them up the next second. We ended up back at the hospital where we were able to get a prescription for anti-nausea meds and we were finally able to get the antibiotics in her. It took an additional 4 days for them to help with the UTI and the antibiotics also had some side effects that were less than pleasant. The whole thing totally broke my heart! She just laid around for days feeling miserable and we just felt so horrible for her! 

After we finished the 10 days of antibiotics we took her back for a follow up and everything was all clear! She bounced back really fast and is back to her crazy toddler ways! She LOVES going outside more than anything in the world but it is already getting up to 110 degrees outside so we can only go out really early in the morning! We usually go for a run/walk in the morning and stop at the park to play or sit out in the backyard and she swims in her little pool! So all is back to normal here in the Lewis household. My last day of work is this coming saturday, and then I start my new adventure of being a stay-at-home mom while I work on my Master's Degree!